What is Individual Counseling?
Individual Counseling is where people come to solve problems, grow, and change their lives in the direction that they think is best for them and their families. When people are stuck and they don't know how to stop certain behaviors (i.e. depression, anxiety, or addiction), counseling can provide the skills they need to get them where they want to go in life.

Individual Counseling is helpful with:
School performance
Work performance
Overall health
How does it work?
It’s a collaborative process, the counselor and the client decide on goals together and come up with a treatment plan to measure whether or not progress is being made towards the goals. These goals provide a focus for each session and also guide the client in understanding when their counseling sessions are complete.
Most of the progress from counseling comes from the client using the knowledge gained in session outside of sessions. While the counselor can tell the client how to do things, the client must be the one putting in the hard work between sessions.
At what point should someone go to counseling?
Someone should seek counseling when they feel stuck and want professional help to expedite the process. For example, if someone can't stay calm enough to have a productive conversation with their significant other they may seek counseling to help overcome that personal issue. Individual Counseling can lay the foundation so that they can learn how to have a health disagreement and build their relationship. Or, if someone can't stay calm or focused enough in school they can seek counseling to to help them develop skills that will allow growth now and in the future.
What should I expect for the first session?
Before the first session, the client will receive intake paperwork including: limits of confidentiality, informed consent to treat, personal disclosure statement, and the office policies. The counselor will then read through the intake so they have an understanding of what the client wants to work on in advance to the session.
During the first session, the client will receive the cancelation policy, limits of confidentiality, and mandatory reporting. The counselor will walk through these with the client and answer any questions in addition to setting expectations for future sessions.