What is Brain Mapping?
Brain Mapping is used synonymously with Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) and is an assessment that can provide insight into how someone's brain is functioning and communicating with itself. With this insight, a technician or clinician is able to provide informed explanations for the symptoms that the client is experiencing.

What is the Brain Mapping (QEEG) experience like?
One Brain Map session takes around 3 hours total. To begin, the client will be fitted with an electro cap that allows for recording of the brain at 19 different sites. Similar to a Neurofeedback experience, the electro cap uses conductive gel that can washed out of your hair easily with warm water. During the session, the goal is to record the client for 10 minutes with their eyes open and 10 minutes with their eyes closed. The client will be asked to relax and sit still while the technician or clinician coaches them through the entire process.
How does the Brain Mapping work?
The Brain Map is recording brain activity and then comparing the data collected to a normative base to provide a description of the brain activity. By comparing the data collected to a normative base, the Brain Map is able to analyze whether the brain activity is overactive or under-active and if there is any miscommunication occurring between different sites of the brain.
Who should get a Brain Map?
Anyone can get a Brain Map if they would like to better understand how their brain is functioning and why they are experiencing specific symptoms. If a client has any symptom other than ADHD and would like to do Home Neurofeedback, then they must get a Brain Map. This is because the Brain Map results may say that the client should receive Neurofeedback in-office rather than at home.